Posted on 6/21/2013
Like everything automotive, there have been great strides in headlight technology in recent years. We can all drive more safely at night because of it. Good headlights improve visibility down the road, enabling you to see farther. They also improve your peripheral vision, helping you to see the sides more clearly. The more you can see, the quicker you can react to road conditions. This is important because nearly half of traffic fatalities take place at night. And as the country’s population ages, everything that helps older eyes is welcome. Most new cars come with halogen headlamps. A decade ago, halogens were exotic and expensive. Now that they are standard equipment, the price has come way down. Many luxury cars are equipped with high intensity discharge, or HID, headlamps. You have probably seen them on the road, they’re very bright and have a bluish tint. From behind the wheel, there is no doubt that HID headlamps are the best thing going. However, many people complai ... read more
Posted on 6/12/2013
Is your car sometimes hard to start on an early Boulder morning? When you turn the key, does it hesitate or stutter? If so, the problem could be the result of a dirty fuel system. Your car’s fuel system starts with the air filter and ends in the top of your engine. Over time, different parts of the system get dirty, which robs you of performance and hurts your fuel economy.Most of our family car in Boulder have fuel injectors, rather than a carburetor. Fuel injection systems have fewer problems and require less adjustment. But they still need to be properly maintained. This is why your owner’s manual has a schedule for cleaning your fuel injectors and other parts of your fuel system. Some people are interested in buying fuel system cleaners that you can pour into your gas tank. You can do that – and there are lots of great products available ... read more
Posted on 6/5/2013
Let’s talk about deciphering the auto service menu board. Boulder, CO service centers like John’s Auto Care have a board that lists the routine services they provide. But some people don’t know what these services really are unless they ask. Let’s go down a typical list, in alphabetical order, starting with air conditioning service.First remember that all of these services are recommended by vehicle manufacturers. They set how often or at how many miles the service should be done.Air conditioning service involves purging the old refrigerant and capturing it for proper disposal. Then fresh refrigerant is installed. The fresh refrigerant will lubricate the system and will also help it cool better.Alignment. Service centers like John’s Auto Care make sure all four wheels are lined up and track with each other. This reduces tire and suspension wear and improves safety and handling.Battery service ... read more
Posted on 5/30/2013
If you’ve ever heard a squealing sound under your family car hood, chances are it was your serpentine belt. Your serpentine belt is a long belt that’s driven by your engine. It winds around several accessories that power important automotive systems in your family car. Let’s go over them.First, the serpentine belt drives your air conditioning system. It spins the compressor that makes the cool air that takes the edge off the summer heat in Boulder. More importantly, the belt powers the alternator. The alternator creates electricity that’s used by your family car’s electrical systems and also charges your car battery. Without the alternator, the battery will go dead in a few miles. The serpentine belt may also run the pumps for both the power steering (some are electric) and power brakes (some use vacuum boost). And, on most f ... read more
Posted on 5/22/2013
When I was a kid in Boulder, my dad always made sure he took the cars in for Spring and Fall checkups. I was telling a friend that it’s about time to get into John’s Auto Care for my checkup and he said that he read on the internet that modern cars don’t need seasonal service. My friend is (technically) right about some things, but from a practical standpoint, a seasonal check up still makes sense. Back when my dad was teaching me about how to take care of the family family car, most cars used a different weight of oil in the winter and in the summer. But most of today’s modern engines run the same oil year round. High-tech engines and high-tech motor oils are better able to handle the seasonal changes. Your owner’s manual or Boulder service advisor at John’s Auto Care can tell you the right oil to use. Of course, you’re concerned about the ... read more