Posted on 6/28/2016

Road trips are an excellent idea for anyone who is looking to have a good time. Not only do you have the opportunity to take in some excellent views from the trip, but you can also have some pretty amazing adventures at the same time. Unfortunately, road trips are also a time when car issues develop. This is something that can quickly put a damper on any road trip and cause a great amount of expense. One of the best ways to make sure you are prepared to travel the roads is by creating an emergency kit for these types of situations. Along with flares and other safety devices, you will also want to include a way to jump your car in your emergency kit. Many drivers choose to add jumper cables to their vehicle as part of this process. However, there is actually something that is much more beneficial; a jump box. A jump box is a device that will jump your car without the need for a second vehicle. This is especially beneficial when you are on a road trip becaus ... read more
Posted on 6/21/2016

Prepping your car for warmer months is one of the most important maintenance cycles you can keep. The changing of seasons can be hard on a vehicle and require preparation with an eye toward reliability and safety. Perhaps the most often overlooked items on your seasonal checklist are your wiper blades. They are right in front of your face, but unless you are using them, they are out of sight, out of mind. At least, until they start to streak, leaving dirty arcs across your windshield until your next fuel stop. Then you scrub the window and forget until the next time it rains. Maybe you find yourself looking at a new set in the store, but it may not be time to spend that money just yet. The problem is most likely not the wipers themselves, but build up of road gunk on the blades. Especially after winters that have seen salted or sanded roads, residue can build up on the edge of your blade. This impedes its ability to maint ... read more
Posted on 6/14/2016

As we hit the warmer months, the perfect time approaches to pack the car and venture out, whether just for the day, or for that long-anticipated road trip. You look forward to carefree days: packed full of your favorite things to do, an escape from the grind at work, and the smell of sunscreen in the morning. When prepping your car, you want to assure it does not become an interruption to your plans. The warmer months are hard on cars. Winter has passed; temperature changes alone have placed stress on moving parts. Over winter, cold temperatures have temporarily thickened your fluids, placing more stress on your engine. Going into spring and summer, your car will meet heat, dust, increased driving, and crawling in heavier traffic to your destinations. Here are a few tips: 1) Have your A/C inspected. Ensure it will work continuously through the hot months. 2) Make sure your tires are properly inflated, rotated, and aligned. You will want to ensure ... read more
Posted on 6/7/2016
So, you’ve finally done it. You’ve picked your destination, planned your route, and all your friends are with you. You’re ready to pile into the car, and get out on the open road. But before you go, are you sure that your trusty steed is ready to make the journey there and back again? Your Pre-Road Trip Auto Care Checklist Item #1: Tires Tires are one of those things we never think about, until it’s nearly too late. If you’re going on a road trip, though, they’re the first thing you should check. Look at the tread, check the pressure, and while you’re at it, make sure your spare tire is up to snuff as well. You don’t want to get a flat, and then find out your spare won’t help. Item #2: Fluids It’s more than just your oil, though you should make sure you get a change if you’re close to the mileage marker. You also need to check your coolant, your brake fluid, your transmission f ... read more